A sneak peak at our last concert of the tournée in march with the Junge Zürcher Harmoniker, conducted by Jonas Bürgin, in the very nice Library of Fischingen Monastery: Alexander Concerto op.109. Thank you very much to this fantastic team!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TZepqYdF7z0 ...

Nice remembrances from the opening Concert of the Saxiana Festival organized by Nicolas Prost! Full packed audience for our concert at the St Merry church in Paris in very good company, with Vincent David, Nikita Zimin, Niclas Prost, Anne Lecapelain, Astryd Cottet, Nicola Peretto and the...

These days I am back to my sewing machine! Glad to present to you my fist leather trials! Here is my own idea of the black leather jacket, through the accurate eyes of my dear Akvilé Sileikaite!   [gallery ids="2767,2765,2766,2768,2769,2770"]...

During the 83rd Festival of Musikwoche Braunwald, we had the great opportunity to perform again "Cairns", 2nd show of the trilogy "Waiting for Amon", for saxophone quartet and performer, and to make our small echo to the magnificent mountains of this magical place! The show...

Fun time at the RTS Studios for an interview with Anya Leveillé yesterday afternoon! You can check out the podcast here: https://www.rts.ch/play/radio/magnetique/audio/les-saxophones-de-valentine-michaud?id=9619228&station=a83f29dee7a5d0d3f9fccdb9c92161b1afb512db...