Pulse by Vincent David – encore at the DR Koncerthuset, Copenhagen, September 2021
Los Pajaros Perdidos – with Gabriel Michaud, album “Oiseaux de Paradis” – film by Emmanuel Michaud
Blackbird – with Gabriel Michaud, album “Oiseaux de Paradis” – film by Emmanuel Michaud
La septième preuve, Raphaël Sévère – Akmi Duo, Ivana Balabanova – film by Emmanuel Michaud
Guillaume Connesson “Coltrane on the Dancefloor” – Akmi Duo, Ivana Balabanova – Emmanuel Michaud, Editions Billaudot
Sergueï Prokoviev flute Sonata – videoclip Lucerne Festival 2020, Valentine Michaud & Akvilé Sileikaïté
Edison Denisov Sonata – Valentine Michaud & Akvilé Sileikaïté
“BOTH – Le Dialogue de l’Ombre Double” by SIBJA – Trailer
Concerto op.109, Alexander Glazunov – with the Danish National Symphony Orchestra conducted by Vassily Petrenko, September 2021
Dialogue de l’Ombre Double by Pierre Boulez – extract from “Shout”
Zahara by John Psathas – with the Orchestra Weelington conducted by Marc Taddei
Reflections, from Escapades by John Williams – Valentine Michaud & Moscow Philarmonic, Moscow
SHOUT, trailer – Performance for a saxophone and its shadow
William Albright, Sonata – Valentine Michaud & Akvilé Sileikaïté
Sonata op.11 n°4, Paul Hindemith – Akmi Duo
L’Etang du Patriarche, In Memoriam Michail Boulgakov, Kevin Juillerat – Dedicated to Akmi Duo
Glitch, Trailer – Performance mit 2 Saxofonisten, 2 Tänzern und einem Maler – Theater der Künste, Zürich
Cairns, Trailer – Performance for a saxophone quartet and one performer – ZHdK, Zürich
Rasch, Georges Aperghis – Lukas Züblin, Bratsch, Valentine Michaud, Saxophone – Wiener Konzerthaus, Vienna, Österreich