[TOKYO 2024 - PART 1] - Birds of Paradise with Gabriel Michaud [metaslider id=2219] [gallery ids="4357,4366,4356,4358,4359,4360,4346,4362,4363,4364,4347,4348,4349,4350,4352,4353,4354,4355,4351,4365"] Some impressions of a week out of time in Tokyo for @lafollejournee where we played 4 sold out concerts within 2 days together with @gabrieljxachim in some fantastic halls of the @tokyointernationalforum...

It was a total blast to be performing The Threepenny Opera for the whole moth of July with the dream team of Le Balcon and la Comédie Française conducted by Maxime Pascal, in a staging by Thomas Ostermeier!! Looking forward already to the reprise in...

What an immense pleasure we had in Paris at the Salle Cortot presenting this marathon program around ghosts and devils! Thanks to the audience for their warm welcome and enthusiasm, it felt so good to be on that stage with my dear Akvile Sileikaite! Thanks and...

Here you can listen again to the podcast of our live on France Musique for the show "Generations France Musique" on the 18th of March! Hope you enjoy :) Program: Glazunov, Albright, Juillerat, Draskoczy and an interview! https://www.radiofrance.fr/francemusique/podcasts/generations-france-musique-le-live/marine-chagnon-et-josephine-ambroselli-vittorio-forte-luka-faulisi-akmi-duo-trio-chimeres-6326030...